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Monday, September 1, 2014

Spell Casting VS Authority (Wicca vs Christian)

The Gathering Storm (Judgment Day version) by Dennis Wong (Dark Clouds on left, bright light on right)
The Gathering Storm (Judgment Day version) by Dennis Wong

So I had this thought come to me:

How do Witchcraft and Christianity differ?

The devil has absolutely NO (ZERO) original ideas or abilities. Satan was not created to be a creator. Man was created to be a co-creator with God, in His image. Man is on a higher order than angels were created to be. Satan was not, is not, and never will be anything but a servant. The only thing he can do is take something God has created, and twist it for his own devices.

So when you want to understand something that seems evil/dark, look at it's light opposite. If you want to understand something that is light, you can always find a dark/evil opposite to it somewhere.

The word "Witchcraft", as found in 1 Samuel 15:23, in Hebrew is the word "Qesem". It can also be translated "divination". As I read, here, the break down of this word; divination, I find some interesting meanings. The essential root of divination/witchcraft, is to find out secret knowledge that man cannot know on his own. This may be in the form of "how to", which would be where spells come. It may be future related, which ties into fortune telling. Any attempt to gain access to knowledge beyond the reach of man's powers of observation through his five physical senses, could be called divination or witchcraft.

Definition#1: Witchcraft: Any attempt to gain access to secret knowledge (with using man's natural senses), without God. 

Witchcraft-Wicca vs Christianity

One of the best known forms of spell casting and witchcraft in today's society is called Wicca. Spell casting is witchcraft, often using a book of spells, spoken out loud, to obtain a desired end result. The spell caster may believe that he/she is doing this out of a benevolent heart to help other people. However, spell casting at it's base it about the power of the individual' therefore, by nature selfish: "Look at this power I have!" In fact, the motto of Wicca is: "an it harm none, do what ye will." In other words, it's OK to do whatever YOU want to do, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

Witchcraft Focus: Self Will/Self Pleasure

Christianity on the other hand is inherently self-less. Sure, you can find people calling themselves Christians involved in killing, murder, and all sorts of atrocities. However, this is where I draw another line. "Religion" is witchcraft. Religion is man's attempt to put God into a box, control Him, and make Him more palatable. When man attempts to gain access to God or Spiritual things on his own terms, this is again Witchcraft.

Definition#2: Witchcraft: Man's attempt to gain access to God/Spiritual things, on his own terms, apart from God's terms.

Therefore, Religion is Witchcraft.

Christianity, at it's heart is not a religion. 

People have made into one, actually they've made into thousand of religions. The vast majority of labels we've chosen have become religious witchcraft. What started as a move of God, turned into a movement, as that stalled it turned into a monument. The Holy Spirit moved on, and a stale religion was left in it's wake.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that all people going by a title are bad or evil. You can be saved and be a __Fill in the blank denomination_. It's just that the form is old, crusty, and broken. Many of the methods and traditions used by these forms have long since lost their meaning.

For the true Christian, regardless of the label/denomination they choose, Christianity is about Jesus. What I do is not for me, it's not even for you, it's for Him. I love Him; because, He first loved me!
Christianity Focus: Jesus Christ/God

Source of Power: Spell Casting VS Authority


The only way for any human to obtain real spiritual power is to be connected to the spiritual world. As mankind died spiritually at The Fall, there is no natural connection to the spiritual realm. The only way to tap into it is through connection to a spirit being. Therefore, in order for Wiccan's, or any other non-Christ based religion to tap into that world, they must invite spirit's in. This may be called "Guides" in their vernacular, You and I will call them demons.

Christian's are different. Born again people are alive spiritually, but that life doesn't derive from them, it derives from being possessed by another spirit: The Holy Spirit.

Kingdom people walk in Authority. If you are on assignment from God, and you have his instruction on where to go, what to do, how to do it... you are walking in His Authority. With that Authority comes the power to accomplish the assigned task. However, this power is not resident within me as though it were mine, this power is resident within me because I have yielded to the one the Authority Giver.

One friend of mine watched the first Harry Potter movie before he'd let his son see it. This friend was a former Warlock turned Christian. He said that many of the spells used in Harry Potter were the ones he'd used, and therefore the root of that movie was evil and he refused his Son to be exposed to it.

As many know, J.R.R. Tolkien was a Christian, and friend to CS Lewis. The root of his writing, although the concept of Wizard is used, is a different root. So the look an feel of his writing is much different. 

LOTR: The Two Towers - Gandalf breaks Saruman's spell over King Theoden

Now compare the Harry Potter movies to the scene where Gandalf releases King Theoden.  Potter uses spells that he has remembered and Gandalf uses authority. It's a subtle but profound difference. One cannot generalize and say that all movies and books using a particular title or typology is bad/good. One must look to the root.

Being Led

And of course, this all comes back down to #BeStillBeLed.If you are submitted to His leading, on His assignment (and not your own agenda), than you are not only able to be Led by Him, but empowered by Him to do what He assigned you to do.

We ALL have an assignment here on this earth, one that is very specific to each one of us.

And now I leave you with a question:

What is YOUR assignment, at this point in your life, right now?

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By Darrell Wolfe

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